Read more about Mach Composer


ready-to-use building blocks for your composable commerce architecture

Navigating the realm of Composable Commerce can present unique challenges. Hand-picking individual solutions for each specific feature is great, yet this can lead to complexities in selection, implementation, and ongoing maintenance. Thankfully, we have done the heavy lifting for you with our composable commerce accelerator that brings fast time to market and minimized project risk.

Lab Digital commerce accelerator

Starting from scratch with a composable commerce architecture is a lot of work. And in our view, something that’s almost never required. Many composable commerce projects share a lot of characteristics and can therefore be partly implemented by standard components. This allows the team to focus on your specific use cases, and at the same time speeds up delivery.

Since our inception in 2015, our engineering team has been working on the standardization of components and automation of tasks. Our accelerator is the result of all those efforts, and it is used in production by our clients who process tens of thousands of orders per day. So, we consider them battle-tested.


To speed up delivery, we offer a fully featured storefront implementation based on NextJS. Combined with our library of commerce accelerators, we can offer a complete implementation of a commerce architecture.

  • Next.js storefront & UI kit based on a design system (in Figma), storybook and Tailwind CSS
  • Federated Graph QL
  • Standardised components for SAAS providers:
    • Commerce: commercetools & Commerce Layer
    • CMS: Storyblok, Amplience, Contentstack & Contentful
    • Search: Algolia
    • Payments: Adyen, Stripe, Braintree & Buckeroo
    • And many others such as Akeneo for PIM, for promotions, Vertex or Avalara for Tax, etc.
  • All is orchestrated through MACH Composer, our open-source toolset & methodology based on Terraform (Infrastructure as Code) to automate & operate MACH ecosystems.
  • The accelerator is supported on AWS, Azure & GCP, optionally in combination with Vercel
  • The accelerator has a focus on observability and robustness. We leverage OpenTelemetry for distributed tracing and Sentry for error monitoring in order to pro-actively monitor performance and issues that might arise.

accelerator history

As good engineers we strive to be as efficient as possible and automate recurring tasks and reuse code where we can. At Lab Digital this is central to our Engineering Culture and has many benefits across our services.

Contributing libraries and tools as open-source projects are one of these. And an additional one, which was greatly propelled by the ‘composable architecture’ movement, is the creation of reusable components and integrations, which we call commerce accelerators.

Over the years we have been able to develop all kinds of standalone components that are reusable across digital commerce projects and use cases. It started with Mach composer and terraform providers for SAAS vendors (ie commercetools, Amplience) who are widely known and used by our peers and clients in the industry. This evolved into the out-of-the-box composable commerce platform that we can offer today with the accelerator.


building stronger partnerships

To help us build stronger partnerships and expand our role within the industry we have joined the MACH Alliance, a vendor-neutral non-profit organisation whose goal is to educate and support the industry in understanding what the next generation of technology can deliver. The MACH Alliance’s mission is to aid in the transition from legacy infrastructure and architecture to modern, scalable, composable solutions.

composable doesn't have to be complicated

We create composable solutions to manage the complex challenges of modern digital businesses like yours.

To find out how we can help you, get in touch for a no-strings chat, and someone from our team will contact you as soon as possible.