Read more about Mach Composer

galloping to international success


the challenge

Agradi’s previous website was built on old technology. The goal was to improve e-commerce functionality and enhance the customer experience with a reliable and scalable platform. In 2016, we launched the new platform and we’ve been optimizing it ever since. Together we have implemented many new custom features that have boosted commercial growth.

  • Grow into a competitive ecommerce brand through a single, reliable platform
  • Expand the platform from 1 region (NL) to 19, seamlessly
  • Meet the business’ promotion, discount and seasonal marketing needs


€46 million revenue growth

  • From €6 million to €52 million in 7 years

19 Countries

  • Rolled out commerce to 19 countries and 4 languages

Automated returns

  • Reduced overheads by automating returns process
our approach

Together, we created a collaborative atmosphere that enabled us to combine steady and high-quality technical development with an end-user-focused experience while doing fast rollouts in a large and international environment.

  • Created a multi-country e-commerce platform and roadmap for success
  • Helped establish product development through a programme of continuous improvement
  • Created a long-term partnership over 7 years of development

technology & tools

The platform is based on infrastructure in Amazon Web Services. It uses the Django-Oscar framework as primary e-commerce framework, connected to centrally maintained sources such as PIM and ERP. Of course, the landscape foresees connections to necessary tools like payment providers and shipping/warehouse solutions. Main complexity is to easily manage the wide variety of proprietary promotion and discount elements, while supporting highly seasonal and constantly changing inventory. Further, our solution automates the return processes, saving FTEs.


e-commerce doesn't have to be complicated

We create composable solutions to manage the complex challenges of modern digital businesses like yours.

To find out how we can help you, get in touch for a no-strings chat, and someone from our team will contact you as soon as possible.

about agradi

Active since 1998, Agradi is a large, international webshop in the field of equestrian sports apparel, equipment and other animal supplies. Whether you are just learning to horse ride and need to purchase your first gear or are an experienced owner who needs to tend to their animals, with Agradi you will have a range of over 100.000 items to choose from. Since 2016, Lab Digital partnered with Agradi to develop and design their e-commerce platform.
